Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Let's all just raise our hands and shout yippeee..... the world can now breathe in peace... we need not worry about "our dear one" for she is safe.... Yayyyy Paris Hilton is out of jail and she is OK!!

I could'nt beleive the number of channels that covered the 50 baby steps that she took and pranced to her mommy dearest... smiling and pouting her way through the cameras...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It's Raining.

The recent downpour in mumbai took m down memory lane, back to the time when rains didnt mean stalled cars or losing deadlines, buildings falling down and walls crashing...when it meant, no school , no homework turn ins.... cold wet shoes... the lovely plasticy smell of the raincoat, the rising aroma of the wet mud, trees shaking of droplets of water, stepping unknowingly into a muddy pit... hot chai, hot samosas, a very warm and cozy blanket , I dream of Jeannie... , nights without electricity and light, evenings in the balconies, watching life go about you in a whirl , playing carrom with mom and dad and kiran , trying to catch a few words in the dim light of the candle wick...

welll memory lane it is!!