Friday, January 06, 2006

What affected me today!!

As I write this today, I find myself at loss for words... for I don’t know how to put into words the sadness I feel. The first thing that I read today was how the 12 miners wrote letters for their family and loved ones... before the carbon monoxide lulled them to sleep. When I read the contents of the letters I imagined writing a letter to my family when i know that death is approaching fast... And there is nothing I can do to avert it... The thoughts that would run through mine... The ones that ran through their minds... so much to say. .. I would want to relive every single moment of my life all over again because I haven’t had enough...I would like to say bye to everyone I met and haven’t had a chance to know properly... patch things up with my best friend...and I cant write all that on one piece of paper. But they did!

In the midst of all that, there were reports that said the 12 miners gave their oxygen to the youngest amongst them so that he could survive... And that he did. Let us hope that he lives to tell their story, because I want to hear it, i know everybody wants to know what went on through them during the last moments. Their chief who carried the fountain pen that they all used must have been an amazing guy, for he wanted them to write their letters to their families. He must have had a hard job , to keep his and the morale of the others high...

What about the families who celebrated joyously when the heard that 12 of them survived...and then to hear the devastating news that their joy was in vain...

The other news that I read today was about the Prime minister of Israel...Mr. Sharon and how he is in a very critical state after nearly 3 surgeries to stop his bleeding. Though I haven’t followed the politics in Israel to a very large extent, i know that Israel was depending on Mr. Sharon to bring peace in that region. Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, though once was an adversary for Sharon, is now his closest ally and that speaks volumes for a person... a friend can turn foe, but turning a foe to a friend who respects you is the trait of some of the greatest leaders of the world.

The third piece of news that struck a chord in me is the review of the movie 15 Park Avenue by Aparna Sen. the review and the cast speaks volumes about the movie itself which deals with sensitive issues of schizophrenia. When someone you know is affected by a neurological disorder, though they lose their sense of reality, the people who suffer are the ones closest to them. They are daily in touch with the deterioration of the person in front of them. To see someone you love go through this decay, not able to recognize you, not able to function without you , yet push you away as a stranger , you have to be really strong....but you cannot identify with these issues if you haven't seen someone so.. or maybe the movie will help you to bring that reality closer... I hope it does.

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